Veneto Microcement two component is a product that combines functionality and high-end design. It is characterized by its superior mechanical resistance for creating decorative finishes on walls. Suitable for application as a thin continuous coating on walls and non-trafficable surfaces. Veneto Microcement two component is a smooth cement-based polymer coating system with a thickness of only 1-2 mm thanks to its excellent adhesion on floors, walls, stairs, facades, kitchen, bathroom, furniture, indoors, and outdoors. Veneto Microcement allows you to create a dramatic statement, from different shades of cement, color, and texture to natural and bold textures. The surface hardness is comparable to a wooden floor of 43N / mm2. It is a natural material that respects ISO 14000 environmental standards.
Video Application
Additional Features
As the material has fine structure and excellent adhesion, it is important to consider the conditions of the existing base. Surfaces must be completely clean and free of debris and loose parts. The floor should be moisture-free, well leveled and smooth. The condition of the base will have a significant impact on the VENETO Microcement finishing quality, especially in connection with planimetry. Working Temperature: 5 0C to 30 0C / Surface Humidity: Up to 18% (measured with a wood hygrometer).
Allow 6-12h hours at touch 36-48h for complete dry at 23°C environment conditions.
The consumption depends on the surface. In a standard application it would be as follows: Veneto Microcement (2 layers) – 0.5 kg/m2
The better the leveling and preparation of the surface to be coated, the better the performance and the lower the time of installation. It is advisable to choose the suitable method for each application.
The product is applied manually with a steel trowel in semicircular movements. The system consists of different layers: Fiberglass Mesh with 2 layers of Base Coats and 2 layers of Color Coats .To finish the sealing / protection system consists of: 1 layer of Veneto Waterproofing, 2 layers of Sealent and 2 layers of Wax.
*Alternative Finishing Option: Our Metallic Finish collection products can be applied on Veneto Microcement to give a metallic appearance to the surface.